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We use a well-planned, progressive curriculum to lay the foundations for our children to become happy and successful life-long learners with knowledge, skills and understanding, achieving to the best of their potential.

We have constructed a curriculum which prepares the children of St Thomas academically, emotionally, socially and spiritually. We use a sequential knowledge curriculum that begins in EYFS, so that students can successfully access a broad and balanced curriculum throughout their education at St Thomas. This is underpinned by structured phonics, writing and mathematics lessons in EYFS to ensure core procedural knowledge is secured and that transition into KS1 is successful.

During KS1, focus is placed on reading, writing and mathematics. We ensure all students are reading by the age of six so that they can successfully access a broad and balanced curriculum. Through the White Rose programme, we ensure core mathematical knowledge is mastered and practised. Music, PE, creative arts, humanities and science are carefully planned with specialist support to ensure students are making links across and throughout the curriculum. 

Throughout KS2, we seek to carefully develop subject knowledge and build clear sequences in our students’ minds, allowing them to begin to think more coherently, critically, and creatively. Our use of CUSP planning and support materials ensures students are not just working procedurally but conceptually too. Working alongside senior leaders and external specialists, subject leaders are equipped to design carefully crafted sequences of learning.